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Contact Us

Direct Project

The Development of Direct Employee Participation and its Impact on Industrial Relations at Company Level


Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (KNSB/CITUB)
Address:  1, "Macedonia" square, 1040 Sofia, Bulgaria
City or Suburb:  Sofia
Postal Code:  1040
Country:  Bulgaria
Phone:  +359 2 4010501; +359 2 4010655
Fax:  +359 2 9885969


Contact Form

Send an Email. All fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

The Development of Direct Employee Participation and its Impact on Industrial Relations at Company Level (DIRECT) (VS/2016/0305) 6/12/2016 – 6/12/2018

The project is implemented with the financial support of the European Commission – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion DG, Budget Heading 04.03 01 06